Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Your Call Is Important To Us...
Out of the blue, travel agents are popular again! Thousands of travel websites, all claiming to be the lowest priced along with airlines that keep you on hold and keep you guessing, made the travel management companies (TMC's) the best discovery in travel for 2012.
Your call is truly important to us! Most well-run travel management companies answer the phones in person and provide immediate assistance to service-starved customers who deservedly expect decent and courteous service, knowledgeable staff and straight answers.
While the internet has become a huge element in providing information, sometimes the clutter creates more confusion. Our job as professionals is to deliver efficient solutions and provide accountability to limit costs, follow corporate travel policy and offer technology choices customized to individual needs. So while others claim that your call is important to them, your travel agent is there for you, by your side advocating for you. www.premieretravel.com