Thursday, January 24, 2013

NTSB Investigates 787 Whistleblower Claims

NTSB is looking into Whistleblower's claims about safety issues with the lithium-ion batteries of the Dreamlines. In the meantime, the entire world fleet of 787's remain grounded. AllNippon and Japan Airlines have the largest number of delivered dreamliners.

Monday, January 21, 2013

American Airlines' Radical New Look

The iconic "AA" is gone and will now be replaced by a design paradox that is most puzzling.  Companies build a brand around a logo.  Think of GE, McDonald and Coca Cola.  While airlines do tweak and update their look, doing away entirely with the recognized symbol of American Airlines is a shame.  There is something special and timeless about that logo, recognized worldwide for decades.    The new look resembles the old Air France logo but in horizontal hodge-podge of stripes instead the verticals that Air France discarded many years

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

United Launches Satellite Based Wi-Fi Service

United News
January 15, 2013
United Launches Satellite Based Wi-Fi Service
United has introduced onboard satellite-based Wi-Fi internet connectivity on the first of its international widebody aircraft, becoming the first U.S.-based international carrier to offer customers the ability to stay connected while traveling on long-haul overseas routes.
The aircraft, a Boeing 747 outfitted with Panasonic Avionics Corporation's Ku-band satellite technology, serves trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific routes.
Additionally, United has outfitted Ku-band satellite Wi-Fi on two Airbus 319 aircraft serving domestic routes, offering customers faster inflight Internet service than air-to-ground technology (ATG). The company expects to complete installation of satellite-based Wi-Fi on 300 mainline aircraft by the end of this year.
Passengers have the choice of two speeds: Standard, priced initially between $3.99 and $14.99 depending on the duration of flight, and Accelerated, priced initially between $5.99 and $19.99 and offering faster download speeds than Standard.
United will install satellite-based Wi-Fi on Airbus 319 and 320 aircraft, and on Boeing 737, 747, 757, 767, 777 and 787 aircraft. Customers will be able to use their wireless devices such as laptops, smart phones and tablets onboard those aircraft to connect with internet service using the in-flight


Sunday, January 13, 2013

United's "Premier Access" For 2013

From check-in to baggage claim, United provides premium travel services for eligible customers and offer the following where available:
  • Premier AccessSM check-in: designated airport check-in lines
  • Premier Access security lane: exclusive security lanes
  • Premier Access priority boarding: among the first customers to board
  • Premier Access priority baggage handling: among the first bags to be delivered
Premier Access is available to the following customers:
Customers who are not included in one of the groups above may have the option to purchase Premier Access for a particular flight. A Premier Access purchase includes priority check-in, security lane access (where available) and boarding, but it does not include priority baggage handling.   
Premier Access could be purchased on segment-by-segment basis for as little as $9.  We highly recommend it for all travelers and the purchase price is well worth it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Plane Truth: Dreamliner Not Ready For Primetime

The well-publicized recent incidents of electrical fires and other mishaps are beginning to have an impact on the reliability of the Dreamliner 787.  After some lengthy delays, Boeing thought that the new state-of-the-art craft is ready and the huge backlog of orders can now stream along.

The incident on January 7 at Boston is the latest episode and resulted apparently from a malfunctioning battery that caused a fire in the belly of a Japan Airlines 787 on January 7.  Boeing is still looking into other incidents involving a Qatar Airways and United flights.  More incidents will likely happen over the next several months as more airlines take delivery to the much-anticipated aircraft.  Boeing and regulators will have to figure out the issues.  In the meantime, passengers may be well advised to sit-out for a while.  

Spirit, Southwest and Allegiant Fighting DOT Ad Rules

In a day and age where passengers are demanding more transparency in price displays and the need to include all ancillary fees and taxes, Spirit, Southwest and Allegient are taking their fight to the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn DOT price adveritising rules.

These airlines are claiming that DOT is violating the First Amendment stipulating the carriers must disclose all taxes and fees in the price in their advertising and on their websites.

This is baffling since the base fare, which these carriers prefer to display is a decreasing part of the overall cost.  For example, Spirit charges a $100 per carry-on item!  What Spirit prefers their travelers to see instead are the likes of the $9 come on fares which clearly is not anywhere near the final price of the ticket.  This "in your face" attitude defies logic especially that these carriers claim that the DOT "restrictions"  amount to an "infringement on commercial speech..."
No word if the Supreme Court will even take up the issue, and hopefully they won't.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Flight Delayed? Keep Checking Those Monitors

Passengers are well advised to keep their eyes on airport monitors when an airline says a flight is delayed.  A frequent and disturbing trend has been happening with Jet Blue and other airlines in airports like Dulles and New York Kennedy where the airline says a flight is delayed.  It happened last month.  While settling down for a meal, waiting for a 100 minute delay from JFK to Dulles, suddenly, Jet Blue changed the gate, made one announcement near the old gate and advised passengers that the flight is "departing on time" from a different gate.  A savvy and experienced traveler caught the lightning change and dropped the pizza and dashed to the gate and she was among the last to board.  Not sure why Jet Blue would throw such curve balls to their passengers, and there was hardly any explanation.  So don't take their word for it...verify.