Friday, September 7, 2012

Mileage Plus Members Can Sign Up for TSA Pre-Screen

If you are a MileagePlus® member, you will need to sign into your account to apply for pre-screening. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is implementing an expedited security screening program at participating airports that will allow certain travelers to move through security with greater efficiency and ease when traveling on an itinerary wholly within the United States. The TSA manages and operates this pre-screening program as described below. Please contact the TSA for information and answers to questions. How it works: If you apply to the program, the TSA will determine your eligibility for expedited screening prior to each flight and will embed this information in the barcode of your boarding pass. When you arrive at a participating airport, go to the designated security checkpoint where the TSA agent will scan your boarding pass and direct you to the assigned pre-screening lane if you are eligible for that flight. In this lane, you may no longer need to remove the following items: Shoes (some, such as steel-toed shoes, may require removal) 3-1-1 compliant bag from your carry-on (all liquid restrictions still apply) Laptop from your bag (if electronics are stacked on top of each other, they require removal) Light outerwear or jacket Belt (large belt buckles may require removal)
Please note, the TSA uses random and unpredictable security measures. Therefore, you are not guaranteed expedited screening for every flight, even if you have applied to the program.