Saturday, February 11, 2012

Star Wars: A New Game

Almost everywhere you go on the internet these days, you will find a "star rating" system. Merchandise, restaurants, services, hotels and resorts among other things are rated and categorized by stars. The idea is great: people who use the service or buy the product will write reviews and rate their experiences to share with other potential users. Websites like Tripadvisor has become the "go to" place when travelers are looking for accommodations and are seeking strangers' opinions about these properties. Social networks are also being used to promote and rate (likes). It did not take long for promoters and detractors to game the process. Reviews, positive or negative have turned this into a game and the process so unreliable as many establishments recruit positive reviews while competitors pile negative reviews. You will never know if the 5-star or 1-star ratings (for the same property) are reliable. The truth lies somewhere in between, and the odds of calling a coin-toss is sometimes just as good as checking the ratings from "trusted" websites. Asking friends that have been to these properties would be your best bet. If not, your trusted travel management advisor is another excellent alternative. Spread the word...